How is Your Inner Child Today?
I feel like I am awakening from a deep sleep. I feel the sun shining brighter on my face. I feel my cells tingling and my heart opening to life again. I am going back to the things that used to inspire me and looking for new inspiration.
Grief and the pandemic have made my world feel small, so I look forward to expanding my world again. How are you doing with this? Now that we can be out in the world again, wearing clothes (not sweatpants or pj bottoms...I know, me, I've been noticing a bit of stage fright and nerves showing up for me. When you spend all day interacting with the world from the shoulders up on zoom, it seems like quite a big change to be out and about.
In fact, I had an incident with my inner little girl just the other day. My dear friend invited me to his birthday party in Central Park. My inner child threw a huge temper tantrum and dug in her heels!! She yelled, "No!!! I am not going!! Everyone is going to judge me and see how fat I am. I have nothing to wear and I want to stay here behind my computer WHERE I AM SAFE!!!"
Well, I have never experienced her so vividly before. She was about 4 or 5 with pigtails swinging and arms akimbo. I stopped what I was doing and used my imagination to talk to her in the most loving tone I could find. I promised her that I would protect her and keep her safe. I reminded her that once she got there she would love it. I cooed to her and told her that even though she had gained some pandemic weight, I loved and accepted her anyway. Then I scooped her up into my arms and rocked her with love. I kept my promises and we had a blast at the birthday party. We even danced in the park as if no one was looking.
How is your inner child doing today? Have you given him/her any attention? What tone of voice are you using? I invite you to take a moment now and look at a picture of yourself when you were little. Look in the mirror and see if you can find that precious child in your eyes today. Use your imagination to scoop that child into your arms and say all the things that every child wants to hear. You might be surprised at the fun and joy that could show up today because you did.
Quote of the Day:
“When our inner child is not nurtured or nourished, our minds gradually close to new ideas, unprofitable commitments and the surprises of the Spirit.”
Affirmation of the Day:
I soothe the child within so I can hear the wisdom of eternity.