The Magnetic Voice

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What if it is Grace?

As we move into this Thanksgiving Holiday, I am grateful for the grace that has touched my life this year. Tomorrow is the day set aside for grace and gratitude in the U.S. At the Thanksgiving Table, we often talk about what we are grateful for and this year I will also be reflecting on 2020 and seeing all the times Grace has stepped in.

Grace is defined by Merriam Webster as "unmerited divine assistance given to humans for their regeneration or sanctification". The idea that just because we are breathing we are given Divine Assistance for regeneration and sanctification is really ringing through me today. So much of what we have gone through this year seems like punishment or retribution. But what if it is Grace? What if all the difficulty, pain, fear, rage and confusion that hit us this year is a precursor to regeneration and purification?

I had a mentor who used to smile and say, "Today is the best day ever, no matter what!" I remember asking him, "What if it is a horrible day? What if you have lost your job or a loved one has passed away?" He told me that it is his practice to make that statement no matter what is happening in his life. I really couldn't understand it. It made no sense. What he explained is that life is always going to bring hills and valleys. We never know what the day is going to bring and if we live our lives based on these uncertainties we live in fear. We feel we are at the mercy of these experiences. When we wake up and claim, "This is the best day ever, no matter what!!!" not only do we claim the day, we are leaving room for Grace.

I invite you to look for Grace in your life today. Those unexpected Divine Gifts and Interventions that change the course of your day. I promise if you look for them you will find them.

And remember, wherever you are on Thanksgiving, please know that I am holding you in my heart, seeing your lives filled with Grace and knowing for you "Today is the best day ever, no matter what!"