Stepping Into My Divine Plan
Today I am so grateful. I completed a presentation for the Entrepreneurs International Network which is the largest meetup group on the west coast. I was super nervous because I had never done anything quite like that before. I am happy to report that with the help of my host, Roger Killen and my Creative Partner, Shannon Kropf, I did it!! Not only did I do it, I hold the record for the most downloads of a training in the shortest amount of time!
Although I have lots of experience singing in front of large audiences in high stakes performances, even for kings and queens throughout my career, as an entrepreneur I am pretty new. I have had to tune in to my "beginners mind" while remembering the confidence and magic of my artistry. There have been moments where I was learning so many new things I felt light years away from my comfort zone.
In my training as an opera singer, most of my time was spent alone, perfecting whatever I was working on before I brought it to my teachers and coaches. As an entrepreneur, I am jumping in and showing my work as I perfect it. Then, I bring it to my coaches and we make adjustments. Practicing self acceptance in public, including all the flaws I would rather hide, has been very uncomfortable. I feel as dangerous as building a plane while I fly it.
As I continue my balancing act of artist and business woman, I am so grateful to have all of you along for the ride with me. Today, I invite you to step out of your comfort zone. Do something that makes your heart beat a little faster because you've never done it before. Do something you have always wanted to do but were afraid of what people would think if you did it. Who knows? You might even brake a record? (By the way, I didn't even know that was a thing. Hehehe!) At the very least, you will get to know that if you step out of what you know into the unknown, one of two things could happen. Either the Universe will build a road under your feet to meet you will find you have wings and fly!!!
Here is the link to my presentation. If you like it, please make a comment. I’d love to hear from you!
Quote of the Day:
“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage.”
Affirmation of the Day:
“Today, I step into my Divine Plan even if I don’t know the next steps, trusting that the entire universe is guiding my path.”