Unleash Your Magnetic Force
Our programs empower performers, public speakers, visionaries, and coaches through the mastery of the human voice.
$497 Value • Don’t Wait!
Does your voice match the person your really are?
Does your voice reflect what your are passionate about and what you believe?
Is your voice and presence as powerful virtually as it is in person?
Could your voice be the reason you're not further ahead in your career right now?
The fact is most people don't sound as powerful as their expertise or the content they are teaching. Their voice often betrays insecurities they may not be aware of. The most successful people I know have all managed to align who they are as an expert to how they sound when they speak. When this alignment occurs your voice naturally and authentically drops into it's power and presence
The Voice of Power assessment is a clarity tool that will help determine how aligned your voice is to your power and presence. You'll leave with a clear understanding of this alignment and your best next moves.
Notes From Monique’s Students
“Monique brings a wealth of understanding of the human voice and how it intersects with the Spirit and soul of a person. Her teaching...is a blend of breathing work, vocalization, pitch, intonation and self-discovery.”
“Monique understands the unique expression that each person has to offer and rather than change the person’s voice, she seeks to empower each individual voice. ”
“I am in deep gratitude in having experienced the liberation of my true singing voice through her method. Her approach for me is totally holistic, involving me at a cellular level as well as mental, physical, emotional and spiritual levels.”
“During an emotionally vulnerable time in my life, my voice was literally all choked up. I had gone to have my cords checked and discovered that there were small lesions on the left side, probably as a result of acid reflux. Definitely a downer!
...One day she heard me struggle while I sang. Distraught and in near tears, she came to me afterwards. She gently touched my face and looked at me with such compassion in her eyes and tenderness in her voice and offered to help me through the stress that was on my voice.
...Not long after that my singing voice reflected a new, freer sound and felt a weight was lifted off of my heart as well. Ever since, I’ve remembered my soul and spirit are always renewed through learning how to release and give myself permission to open up and sing from my heart.”