The Power of the Spoken Word
Today I was working with my “Magnetic Mindset Mastermind” group and we were discussing the power of the Spoken Word. I created this mastermind in direct response to the feelings of lack and uncertainty a lot of my clients were experiencing during this pandemic.
I originally created it for actors who had lost hope of their world of theater ever coming back and their main sources of income, acting and restaurant work drying up. Due to popular demand, I have now opened it up to anyone seeking a safe place to release thoughts of fear and limitation to make room for spontaneous prosperity and creativity.
The Spoken Word is one of those tools of power that we have been gifted by the Universe that we often forget to use with awareness. Our task during the mastermind was to find another word for abundance. Although I do love that word, I find that I use it so much and I hear others use it so often, it has lost the jolt of power it used to give me. We closed our eyes, took deep breaths, and asked our Higher Self for another word of power for Abundance.
Maybe you would like to try it now and see what word comes to you?
The word that came to me was OPULENCE. As I said it, I noticed it made me feel a “certain way” inside. I felt expansion and joy. Images started to come that were filled with opulence.
I asked each person to share their word and we started to feel the vibrations of each other's word. As we were on Zoom, I asked everyone to mute their microphones and chant the word over and over. We did this for 3-4 minutes. Then I asked everyone to share their experience.
It was remarkable what was reported. One person said she felt a sense of grounded peace and just knew everything was going to be ok. Another, shared visions of bounty: rolling hills and ripe fruit trees and an overflowing of all good things. Another felt a buzzing or vibrating sensation within and as though the word was bouncing off the walls and surrounding her with a sense of luxury. We ended our mastermind with a sense of power and beauty and it was amazing to see the transformation on every participant's face. (I really LOVE my job! :)
This exercise was inspired by Dr. Masaru Emoto and his book, Hidden Messages in Water. Dr. Emoto, who introduced the idea that our thoughts and intentions impact the physical realm, is one of the most important water researchers the world has known. For over 20 years until he passed away in 2014, he studied the scientific evidence of how the molecular structure in water transforms when it is exposed to human words, thoughts, sounds and intentions.
Given the fact that the average adult human is 50-70% water, Dr. Emoto’s work asks us to wonder what effect words and thoughts might have on us. This work revealing the power that human thoughts, sounds and intentions have to both strengthen and disempower may be one of the greatest discoveries of our time.
I invite you to play with these ideas and to read Dr. Emoto’s book.
Another idea that a friend of mine mentioned is really cool! She puts the word LOVE on her water bottle so she is drinking in love all day long. So what word are you going to put on your water bottle? I am going to put OPULENCE on mine.
How are you going to apply these ideas about the power of the Spoken Word? What would you say and how would you say it if you realized that your words REALLY could change the world?
And remember….I am right there joining my voice with yours as you call in whatever you want to see more of in your life. Perhaps, together, we can speak healing into the entire world.