New Class! “Speakers’ Virtual Formula”
Speakers Virtual Formula is a unique course that shows speakers how to create confident and compelling presentations that inspire audiences to become emotionally engaged and ready to take action!
A Tap on the Shoulder
Imagine you are about to sing an audition, speak to a large audience or even tell someone the truth about how you feel about them. You are nervous and those little butterflies are doing their somersaults in your tummy. You know you are supposed to be taking deep breaths but all of a sudden breathing seems to be the hardest thing to do.
Fire Island
Have you been feeling like the wind has gone out of your sails? Has this pandemic emotional roller coaster gotten old? I don't know about you, dear one, but I have been scraping the bottom of my creative barrel and just aching for a vacation.
Honor the Artist Within
The fabric of our lives is being bunched up into a ball of fear, uncertainty and despair. The things that really feed the soul...a warm hug, getting a massage, playing with kids, singing in church, going to school, visiting friends, going to the theatre, working out at the gym, enjoying a meal in a restaurant... are all of a sudden fraught with danger. Even as things begin to open up again, we sense that we are in the eye of the storm.
Your Authentic Voice
I can’t wait to help YOU activate the most powerful tool in your business toolbox: YOUR AUTHENTIC VOICE!
Free Online Seminar on August 13, 2020.
Becoming Visible
It was my New Year's intention in 2020 to become more visible so I could help more people, and to find the right and perfect partners to help me do so. Well, as most of us do, I made these big declarations and promptly forgot all about them as the year progressed.
Tilling the Soil
The performing arts was one of the industries hardest hit during the Pandemic. Even Times Square, one of the most bustling centers in New York City, shut down and became a ghost town. It was really eerie to see all the majestic theaters completely dark and silent. I was searching for what was mine to do to help alleviate all the pain and uncertainty the world was experiencing. How I could use my voice to help? How could I be the light here?
Beauty and Truth Expressed
I had one of the most exquisite and challenging sessions in my career as a voice coach a few days ago.
The Power of the Spoken Word
The Spoken Word is one of those tools of power that we have been gifted by the Universe that we often forget to use with awareness.
The Flower Moon
This is the perfect time to celebrate our journeys, metaphysically, through birth, enlightenment, and the “cessation of all desire” (death). These journeys can happen in a number of years, a month, a day or even--during the breath cycle of inhale and exhale.
What are you going to create today? What Divine Idea has your Divine Voice been singing to you over and over? Instead of locking this idea into a dark room to keep it “safe,” bring it into the light. Hold it in your arms and nurture it like you would a tiny little baby. Water it, feed it, tell it how much you love it and watch it grow into a beloved creation.
Uncertainty Begets Creativity
In this strange new time, I am feeling creativity bubble up. I’ll be sharing my thoughts with you here.